Francesca Amenduni, Dr.

Amenduni Francesca
  • 2017-2020: PhD in Experimental Education at Roma Tre University, Italy
    Name of the thesis: Defining and Assessing Critical Thinking: toward an automatic analysis of HiEd students’ written texts. Supervisor: Antonella Poce
  • 2017: Master Degree in “Training and Management of Human Resources” at the University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy
    Name of the thesis: Re-designing a university course to support identity boundary crossing between academic and professional communities. Supervisor: Maria Beatrice Ligorio – Educational and E-learning Psychology.
  • 2015: Bachelor Degree in “Psychology” at the University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy
    Name of the thesis: La scelta universitaria: storie di negoziazioni familiari. Supervisor: Professoressa Susanna Annese – Social Psychology.
360°-Videos in der Berufsbildung
Im Rahmen dieses Projekts werden Anwendungsfälle von 360°-Videos (360°V) in der Berufsbildung gesammelt und analysiert. Die Hypothese lautet, dass durch den Einsatz von 360°-Videos Verständn... Weitere Informationen
Transfer in die Praxis